The Savegame story completed mod will also allow your character to number of things. The mod, when toggled on, can make you immune to all sorts of damage and you will also have an infinite amount of bullets and extreme accuracy to one-shot your enemies. This mod will provide you with extra side missions to complete, a few exclusive skins and outfits, a couple of new high damaging guns, and many more. Other Watch Dogs: Legion Mods being developed include a mod similar to the living city mod.

This Watch Dogs: Legion Savegame story completed Mod will also be able to color grade the whole game to give it a cinematic look. Gamers who are looking for new Watch Dogs: Legion Mods can expect mods that can enhance the game's graphics and textures. Thus the content we pump out is fresh and worth your investment.

Every Savegame story completed Watch Dogs: Legion Mod we have uploaded still to this day are the best in the game. But, fellow gamers should rest easy because although the rate with which we release new content is considered relatively fast, it doesn't mean we are sacrificing quality for quantity. Thus we have a new mod updated or uploaded to our site every month. To stay relevant in this competitive market and to constantly engage with the gaming community you have to keep on pumping new more exciting content. Nothing in this world has an infinite shelf time, especially in the gaming world where every minute a new game is being released or a new feature is updated. What you were playing with today, might bore you tomorrow. If you notice any mistake, please let us know. Meanwhile, happy hacking.This content was uploaded by website visitors. Ubisoft will straighten everything out in due time, and that should fix any DLC content from acting weird. Your purchase isn't lost and I don't think you would need to buy it over again. If it doesn't come back, it may be some sort of weird glitch. After powering up a few ctOS towers around the city, they reappeared.

Who knows, maybe I didn't look closely enough on the map to see, but anyhow. I actually lost my save and started over again (alright with me), and noticed they were gone too. I noticed that after unlocking a few districts by hacking the ctOS towers, the extra contracts began to appear (if that's the case). is it all blend together or something glitched out or happened ? please help guys Originally posted by ReinVentJackson:so i have just done what you guys have said and i have bought all dlc contents btw and the first time i checked i have the palace packs breakthrough etc but now i only a required content called exclusive missions and all the others are gone.